Ground Breaks at Te Pou Toetoe: Linwood Pool
We've officially broken ground at Te Pou Toetoe: Linwood Pool!
This highly anticipated $22 million aquatic project is being built at Linwood Park on the corner of Linwood Ave and Smith St and is expected to open late 2021. The facility will include a multi-use 25-metre lane pool, deep-water pool, family spa pool, learn-to-swim pool, and pool for toddlers. It will also house community meeting rooms and a kitchen, all connected to the outdoor community space with a gathering area, picnic tables, multi-use courts, and open areas for everyone to enjoy. Apollo is excited to bring this exciting project to the Linwood community and to work with the Christchurch City Council again.
A group of community representatives and board members were on site 25th June for a symbolic sod-turning ceremony.