Happy Anniversary "Handsy"!
Shout out to Craig Hands a.k.a "Handsy", who has now been working at Apollo for 10 years. We had a chat with Handsy about his time at Apollo, have a read below from the man himself!
Tell us a bit about yourself?
Love to keep active (when not broken). Play Masters Football, fishing and I love gym life!
What is your favourite thing about working at Apollo?
The people and the culture. For me it is important to work at a place where you are not just a number. And this feels like family.
What was the first project you worked on at Apollo?
Conroy Removals new depot at Waterloo Business Park. Interesting fact: I started with Apollo on my birthday 8th September. During the interview process I noticed that someone was having a birthday shout and had brought in a cake. Therefore on my first day, being my birthday, I brought in a cake! What a way to start a new job. Another interesting fact...I handed over the Conroy Removal project the following year on the 8th September.
What advice would you give to someone about getting into the construction industry?
Construction is a fantastic industry to be apart of with so many paths and specialised sectors you can get into. For me the joy comes from those community projects. Being part of the teams that created amazing spaces such as QE2, New Brighton Hot Pools, Linwood Pools and many more. It fills me with pride and a deep sense of accomplishment to see local families smiling and enjoying the facilities I’ve poured my heart and soul into. Something I am truly proud of.